Have you been to the site Etsy? It's all homemade/vintage items that people make and sell in their own little online store. These people have real talent and I have to say that I'm 100% jealous of the gorgeous things people can make. I've always been tinkering with this and that trying to makes something that looks like something of worth or that I just "like" to find my place in the crafting world and to be honest after 23 years I still haven't really found my niche! But I'll keep looking!!
Anyway, back to Etsy. I've been trying to decide for the days which Etsy shop

to make my first purchase from. The homemade clothing on there is gorgeous and I think that's what my first buy will be...or jewelry. A lot of people will make it custom for you with your exact measurements (too bad mine always seem to change!!) for no more than you'd pay for a shirt in the store! Okay, so the picture on the right may be my first Etsy purchase... It's from
Dyana's Designs. Only $35, I'd say that's comparable to any store at the mall. Other shops with handmade clothing I've fallen for are
Sue Bradbury,
Hotelle Motelle, and
Eliza + Axel. You can also find super fun tanks, tees, and bags at

any clue what I'd be good at making? Obviously my sewing skills are no where near this, but I wonder if I dug out my mom's sewing machine if I could make a cool purse like this one from
Carry Handbags. It doesn't hurt to try right? What's the worst that happens? I waste some great fabric, prick my finger, and cry with frustration...sounds pretty minor to me! After all, if they drive is there who's to say I can't do it?
Maybe I'll start smaller with a wallet...or stick to buying the things that people will some real talent can make
for me! :)

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